Tuesday, November 5, 2019

You're Still Here?!

Had a customer come up to me and my manager as I was updating them on things that had happened in the department and what still needed to be completed opening wise before I clocked out for the day.

And the customer, who probably recognized me better than my manager as I've been around longer was like "Can you help me?"

To which my manager quickly responded "She's off right now, but I can help you." 

To which the customer was like "If you're off then why are you still here?!" 


Well...for one, I hadn't clocked out yet, that's where I was heading before the customer interrupted me and my manager's conversation.

For two....it's not like once I clock out I just immediately teleport out of the store and vanish.

I have to gather all my things and like walk out of the store to my car.

*shakes head*

Such an odd expectation.
Like yes...it's weird to be hanging out at work when you're not on the clock.
I try to do so as rarely as possible.

But like. You gotta give me some time to get out of the store after clocking out before questioning why I'm still at work. 

*shakes head*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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