Monday, November 25, 2019


It's the week of Thanksgiving. 
Which means in retail land.
That things are picking up in order to get ready for Black Friday. 

Part of that gearing that all our animal shipments end up getting skewed a bit.

As the holidays affect which days they arrive.

Especially because my store is closed on Thanksgiving.
Which is a Thursday.

And this presents a bit of a problem when our small animals usually show up on that day.

But, I've been doing this rodeo for years now.
So I was well aware that we wouldn't be getting small animals in on that day since we weren't going to be there.
And our supplier is well aware of this too.

So they usually send the animals to us early.
Usually on Monday.

And last week, knowing that this week was Thanksgiving I double checked with the dude that delivers our animals.
And he confirmed that they would be coming in Monday morning to drop off their shipment.

Which meant that we needed to have the cages ready for that morning.

And to try and get ahead of schedule.
I tried to get our Sunday people to prep the cages beforehand.

I probably would have prepped them Saturday.
But our New Arrivals room where we keep all the animals that come in for observation...was still full. 
As our Thursday shipment of last week has the animals under observation for three days.
And since the room was full.
With animals that couldn't yet come out.
That meant we had to wait until they could come out to make room for the ones showing up today.

Which meant Sunday. 

Unsurprisingly though.

It apparently 'got busy' for a Sunday (which is always weird) 
And so when I came in this morning, the preparations for the animals coming in in a couple of hours....were only half completed.
Which meant that I had to quickly finish setting up the various cages so that when our delivery guy came by he would have somewhere to put the animals.

Thankfully I got it done on time and the animals went into the cages without issue.

But afterwards it was kinda funny because the manager was like "How did you know the animals would be coming in today? We couldn't find it stated anywhere." 

And the answer?
Was because I asked the dude when he came by last week when he'd be coming by this week because it's not my first rodeo working the week of thanksgiving lol. 

And I knew the delivery guys would know when they were working because I'm sure they're looking forward to having time off too.
Therefore. I was thinking ahead. ^^;; 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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