Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Shifting Tradition

It's something that probably would have come sooner or later.
Because like....eventually me and the siblings will all be married with kids of own.
So we'll have to create our new Christmas traditions with them.
And the traditions I had with my parents and siblings would have to alter or fall to the wayside in the process.

I wasn't quite expecting that to happen this year though.
Of course I don't know if anyone was expecting my sister to get engaged this year.

In any case.

One of the traditions we've had is the Stockings that hang by the fireplace. 

In the morning us kids would come out to see the stocking filled with different goodies/toys/giftcards etc. With a stuffed animal sticking out of the top.

And once we had the parents awake.
We would first dig into our stockings to see what goodies hid within before moving onto the presents under the tree.

But this year...
We're not doing that.
Not really doing the stockings.

Because apparently the siblings have stockings from their in-laws.
And so they didn't think it would be fair to have two stockings and me just have one. 

Plus like...would we do stockings for just us kids?
Or for the spouses too?
And what about the kids? Like....when do we stop with the stockings.

So yah...
It makes sense since Kikay is now engaged and has inlaws to spoil her as well...
To no longer do the stockings.

From what I've heard Daddoo still plans to do a stocking for me. 
Which means I can probably do a stocking for him.

But yah.
It's not going to be the same this year for which I'm sad as I love my traditions.
It will be just me and Daddoo Christmas morning. 
As the siblings will be coming over later in the day to exchange gifts and hang out.

So yah.
Out with the old.
In with new I suppose...
We'll see what new traditions we come up with as family dynamics continue to change and grow. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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