Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Shifting Traditions

Christmas Eve Dinner.

For a long while that particular tradition was basically going out to Sizzler to eat and celebrate as a family.
Occasionally we'd venture out to different places to eat.
But since it's easier and less messy to go get food instead of make it, it's been a tradition to just go out to eat.

But apparently, Daddoo hasn't really liked that tradition --even though he was one of the ones to bring up that yay no messes to clean up--
So this year wanted to do an actual Christmas Eve Dinner.
You know with the cooking of the ham (why is it always ham??) and the mashed potatoes and salad and rolls etc.
The whole dinner shebang. 

Of course it was slightly different this year in that we went to Grandma's Home to have the dinner at.
-Though since we usually do Thanksgiving dinner there and we didn't this year---maybe it was just the tradition of having bigger meals at Grandma's home....

In any case.

It was rather different, but fun to have Christmas Eve dinner away from the hustle and bustle and chatter of a bunch of strangers sitting nearby.
I mean...I don't like ham that isn't like...thinly sliced sandwich meat... but overall the dinner was great. The company awesome and plus we got presents from Grandma! Woot!! lol. 

It's definitely a year of changing traditions though.
Which makes sense.
Since the family is changing it's dynamic it makes sense that one has to adjust in order to still have the family bonding time that is the main reason for celebrating the holidays. 

Still though...as a fan of our old traditions....it's not always easy to shift to new ones.

However, there is still one tradition that we keep going. 
lol my brother, his wife, and I all got together to watch Jim Carrey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas which has been a tradition to watch on Christmas Eve since the movie basically came out.

So I'm glad we were able to keep that particular tradition alive this year. :D 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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