Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Useful Gift

One of the fun things about giving gifts to others.
Is when you notice something that you think another person will need.

And then when you give it to them and they just kinda make this surprised face of like 'how did you know I needed this?!"

It's a great feeling really. To give the unexpected but needed and have it be well received.

It's what I did to one of my roomies this year.

As I'd noticed that there was quite the gap between her door and the floor and that she would constantly place blankets in front of the door to block out the light or keep in the heat among other reasons.

And since roomie had moved up into Kikay's old room.
I knew that Kikay had had some sort of door protector thing that she'd used to block that gap so she could keep her room warmer in the winter. 

So I figured that I could find something online.

Which yep! It took finding the right keywords.
But I found a nice little door blocker thingymajig that slides onto the bottom of the door so both sides of the door have a barrier and you can open and close it without worrying about dislodging the door blocker.

So you can muffle sounds, block light, keep in/out the heat/cold. 

It's great.

And my roomie was so surprised that I'd noticed such a thing as that.
That she was constantly using her blankets to block that gap.
And that I'd gone ahead and found a solution for her. 

She was rather touched.
And it was great seeing her immediately put it together and stick it on her door and try it out. XD 
It's great to see your gifts getting used. ^^; 

She loves it. 
And I'm glad she does. :D 

Though...i do have an ulterior motive for getting her this particular gift.

We usually leave a light on upstairs to make it easier to navigate...
But since roomie has moved to the top floor...she has this habit of turning off the light because it would shine underneath her door and make it so she couldn't sleep. 

So to solve the problem. Door blocker thing!
Therefore the rest of us roomies can have our night light again, and she can have her darkness. ^^;;
I think it's a win win really. 

Yay for successful gifts!! :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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