Thursday, December 26, 2019

Puttin It Away

It was one of those days at work where I decided that for my own sanity and stress levels, I wouldn't worry about doing the bedding change.

-Which considering we barely have any animals in the store to sell...I figured wouldn't be that big of a deal.
Especially because I couldn't do yesterday's bedding change since we aren't open Christmas, and I only did a partial bedding change on Tuesday for Christmas Eve since we expected to have a lot of customers (which we did) coming in to get that last minute christmas gift. 
And today's bedding change was Bird's so like....they can be skipped for a week if needed without the cages looking too bad.

I elected to forgo the bedding change mostly because I didn't want to stress about trying to get everything done before the end of my shift it happened to get super busy since a lot of people come in the day after Christmas to get pets as well.

We were busy. Not crazy busy. But busy enough to confirm that it was a good thing that I didn't try and do cages as well as help customers out.

So instead, in the lulls that we had, I worked to help the stockers out as since it's after Christmas that means we have to remove all the christmas goodies from the front of the store where they've been stationed for the past couple of months and place them in the 'reduce to clear' sections of the store.

Since everything else in the department was done, I elected on my own, to help them out.

As there was a shipper in the middle aisle filled with cages for hamsters and tanks for fish along with some accessories for them.

And since Christmas Eve practically wiped us out of many of the items on the shelves, I simply moved those products in the center aisle back to their spots on the shelves in my department and then moved the more christmas themed ones to locations where they could still be seen, but also be out of the way. 

The manager was rather thankful I took the time to do that as he was busy trying to get the larger doggy christmas themed gifts into their new locations with the help of the stockers.
so being able to cross one of his many to dos on his to do list was great for him. :D lol.

Yay for being able to help out.
It's something I enjoy doing. ^^;; 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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