Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Chinchilla Drama

It seems to be a week of Chinchilla related shenanigans and chaos. 

You know how I mentioned that we had 2 chinchillas returned within 24 hours and I'm expecting to get in 2 more tomorrow?

I came into work this morning and when I went into our back room where one chinchilla has been isolated -and is supposed to go out onto the floor tomorrow-

I walked in to discover that the cage was empty.

And it looked like someone may have started to take apart the cage.
But like the chart for the chinchilla was still there.
And there was no reason why the chinchilla wouldn't be there because he was it's not like he died.
And with the other chinchilla still on the floor...unless we sold the one on the floor and moved the one in the back on the floor....I should still have two chinchillas in the store.

A check of our inventory showed we still had two.

And a check of the chart showed the chinchilla was still there last night. 

Which meant....he still had to be in the room.

But I'd already looked in the room. Under everything, in the cage....

Turns out the Chinchilla had gotten behind a different tote holding a guinea pig in the back.
You wouldn't have seen him until you pulled the cage out.

Thankfully I found him. 

So yah. The chinchilla in Iso tried to escape.
Bit me too silly thing.

But the one on the floor also caused it's own drama. 

As I had a customer approach saying that they thought the chinchilla on the floor was dead.

Which interesting observation to make since the chinchilla had been fine earlier.

The customer was like "Or it could be sleeping really deeply."

I was going to go with that option. 

But to humor the customer I went over to the cage.
And jiggled the lock. 
The chinchilla twitched and opened it's eyes.

So I was like "Yep he's alive."

The customer was amazed at that. "Oh he's awake!" 

Yah the chinchilla was hiding in a half log, so you couldn't really see it breathing. But he was awake and fine.
Though apparently the customer assumed that tapping on the glass would wake him up.
After spending 12 hours a day on display for customers...pretty sure the chinchilla would stop reacting to tapping on the glass.

In any case as I was talking to that customer another older customer came up asking the same question. "Is it dead?!"

I'm not sure if the two customers conversed with each other or if they were two separate incidents.

But to prove for certainty that the chinchilla was alive I actually opened up the cage and lifted up the house and gave him a nudge. For which he responded by bounding away.

To the gasps of the customers. 
*shakes head*

Ah well.

At least I managed to establish that the chinchilla was indeed alive.

Now we'll get to see what drama unfolds tomorrow with the potential of having 4 chinchillas all in the same cage. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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