Sunday, December 15, 2019

Work Issues

Ended up getting slightly stressed out today as not one but two of my managers ended up texting me work related questions/problems.

The first manager's question was if our fancy leopard geckos that had come in this weeks reptile shipment were actually dead.

Which I was like O_o???
Because as far as I'd been aware they'd come in alive.
But at the same time I had noticed that we still only had two fancies and I would have expected there to be more since we were expecting more.
But I'd figured that we'd ended up selling one. 

Plus I hadn't been the one to put the shipment out as I'd been busy doing something else. But my coworker at the time hadn't mentioned that any of the reptiles were dead.

So I had my manager send me a picture of the PO and sure enough my coworker had written DOA (dead on arrival) next to the fancy leopard geckos. 

Which O.o???
If they were dead...why was it not brought to my attention?
Who knows.

But now it has me wondering/worrying if the leopard geckos only appeared to be dead but were actually alive.
Because like if the shipment came in cold...then they could appear deceased when in fact they weren't. 

But since the shipment was from like...four days ago....there's no way of knowing. Though I'll probably end up asking my coworker when I see them next what happened with them. 

But yah.
That was stressful.

And then in the evening a different manager texted me to tell me that some of our hamsters had come down with wettail.
Which isn't surprising as it's a more stressful time of year and the animals are slighly more overcrowded. 

But still annoying to deal with. 
Especially because apparently it was our longhaired syrians that were suffering from the problem?
As from what I can remember they were doing alright...
But I won't know for sure what all is up until I go into work tomorrow morning.

It could have been my coworkers panicking for no reason.
As sometimes hamsters just have bad days too.
But yah...I'll have to double check and make sure they actually are sick when I go in tomorrow. 

So yay.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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