Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Go Do The Thing

I don't understand what goes on in my coworkers heads sometimes.

Like...what they're thinking when they do the things they do.

Today for example.

I was winding down on the opening tasks.

Where we basically just had to put back the rest of the fish ornaments we'd taken out to clean, feed the fish, and then do the betta water changes. 

-Plus technically we needed to bag crickets, but it was late enough in the day where I was like...we probably didn't need to do that.

In any case. 
I wasn't doing any of the above listed tasks.
As I was focusing on putting away a couple shipments of things because I definitely didn't trust new people to do that task and the coworker replacing me for the day is the newest of our associates in the department.

So I was doing that task.

And told this coworker about the other three tasks that needed to be done. Ornaments, Feeding Fish, and Betta Water Changes. 

And my coworker was like "Oh I don't know how to do betta water changes! I've never done them without someone. Can you show me?" 

And I was like "Sure...but I need to finish this first so you can go put back ornaments or feed the fish---"

But the coworker was like "Okay! I'll wait until you're done then then we can do it together!"
And like. 
Walked away.

Without doing either task I said that they could do in the meantime. 


Like....this has happened before with other coworkers.
Where I tell them what still needs to be done and then they go "Okay" and don't do them. 

Like I wasn't telling you what still needed to be done for funsies. 
I was telling you so you could go do one of the tasks.

But this coworker focused on like the one task they didn't know how to do and apparently decided that since they can't do that one they can't do any of them?
I don't know the logic there.

I'll have to make a mental note for next time to tell them directly "Hey can you go do this for me." So they know that I mean for them to go do the task.

Yah...we'll see how that goes. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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