Saturday, December 28, 2019

Her Ring

As a kid one of my favorite things to do would be to wear my Mother Dearest's wedding ring.
Occasionally my Daddoo's too. 

Most of the time this occurrence happened in the middle of church during Sacrament when I was bored and looking for something to entertain myself with.

And I loved looking at the ring on my finger and wondering when it would actually fit me.

Lol it still doesn't fit me...well not on my ring finger, that one's still too small. Mother Dearest's wedding ring usually works best on my middle finger.

In any case.

Mother Dearest ended up with two wedding rings.

Because she ended up losing the first one and couldn't find it. 
So she got a second ring, this time with the birthstones of her children on it as well. 

Only for the first ring to turn up was probably a few years later? As the first ring had been missing for a while....
but it turned out in the corner of a closet randomly enough.
And we only found it because we were basically deep cleaning out that particular closet. Moving everything out and such.

So she ended up with two wedding rings.

Which was pretty good all things considering since she had two daughters.
So when the time was right, she could foreseeablely pass down one ring to each daughter when the time was right.

Whether just as a family heirloom or for us to use as our own wedding rings....who knows. I guess it's up to us? 

But yah....
In any case.

This year....
For Christmas.

Daddoo gave Kikay and I Mother Dearest's wedding rings as one of our Christmas Presents.

Our Brother wasn't left out of this, he ended up with her "Mother's Ring" which also looks like a wedding ring as it has a diamond in the center and the kid's birthstones laid to the side of it.

I'm thinking that that ring was probably created after Mother Dearest was done having kids, but before she lost her original ring. 

But yah.
I'm glad Meralto got one of Mother Dearest's rings as well. As I think he appreciates getting something from her that she wore. 

And for me and Kikay?

Well. I'd always been more partial to Mother Dearest's original ring. So I received that one, while Kikay got her second one.

And like....

It's just....idk....a bittersweet feeling.

To have that ring.
To put it on my finger.
And know....remember.
Remember all the times I tried it on when I was little.
Remember all the times I saw Mother Dearest wearing it.

Honestly, I never expected to receive it so soon.
It was always in that nebulous future.
That 'some day' which seems like it's centuries away from happening. 

Or like...
I expected to receive it on a more special occasion.
Like for my wedding or something.

But since me getting married isn't happening anytime in the foreseeable future...


Like I said.
It's bittersweet.
I love the wedding ring.
And I'm grateful to have it.

But now...I'm not sure what to do with it.
Like it's not the sort of ring that you wear on your finger for everyday things.

But it's not something that I just want to.....lock away in a safe and never see again.

But I have to do something with it.
As i can't know...leave it out and about.

So yah, my mind's been racing on what to do with my Mother Dearest's Wedding ring now that it's been given to me.

I'm thinking maybe creating some sort of shadowbox?? Placing the ring and some other things of Mother Dearest's inside it and just...placing it somewhere where I can see it?

Like it's a fun thought....
Just not sure if I can pull it off.
Or if it's what I actually want.

Mother Dearest's wedding ring. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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