Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Saturday Before Christmas

The Saturday before Christmas.

It's always a more crazy day in retail land.
Because of course that's when all the shoppers decide to come out.

It was even busier for us at the pet store though.
Because not only is it the last saturday before Christmas.
But we also had a dog adoption group come in.
And we also had Santa Claus in for a few hours to take pictures with everyone's pets.

In any case.
It was crazy busy.
Like busier than black friday busy.

My manager tells me we barely missed making more money today than we did on Black Friday.
Which means.
It was crazy busy lol.

We had three registers going like nearly the entire day it felt like.

And the lines? 
*shakes head*
The lines were never ending.
It was just one customer after another after another after another.

My department fared slightly better.
But was still crazy in it's own right because having Christmas on Wednesday has thrown off all our animal shipments.
And the cold weather has delayed our reptile shipments.

So like....I have no last minute shipments of animals coming in.
No right before Christmas creatures to bring out.

What we have in the store is what we have.

Which is bad because we were basically already out of reptiles.
And I didn't get in my reptile shipment I was expecting to.

Soooo for all pet parents wanting to get a reptile for their kid.....
They're probably going to be out of luck at least at our store.
Just because we literally have like....nothing.
And we're going to still probably have nothing until after Christmas.
Because I doubt we're going to get a shipment in before christmas at this point.


That was poor planning on everyone's part really.

But it's hard to predict which animals will be 'the pet' to get this year. As it's never consistent.
Some years it's bearded dragons.
Other years it's fish.
And other years it's guinea pigs.

This's been pretty even across the board.
Though I think we've received more calls about Hermit Crabs, Snakes and Bearded Dragons compared to the others.

So yah.
busy busy busy busy day.

*shakes head*

I expect it will stay busy for us for the next three days as well before christmas as all the last minute shoppers come in to...well shop. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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