Tuesday, December 3, 2019

All the Animals

It's that time of year where we end up having to play musical chairs with the animals in the store.
Though honestly, I expected this to happen a couple of weeks ago before Black Friday hit.
But it seems like the increase in animals waited until the first week of December to hit.

Which makes sense because we didn't sell many animals on Black Friday, but I can expect there to be a ton of people coming into the store seeking to buy pets for their kids for christmas.

In any case.
It's the time of year where we start getting in double if not triple or sometimes quadruple the amounts of small pets (hamsters, guinea pigs) than we normally do the rest of the year.

Which, if we don't sell a ton of animals....leaves me scrambling to find room for all the new animals coming in.

Which was the case today.
Because yesterday the invoice that shows us what animals are coming in hadn't yet appeared....I had to wait until today to see that....we were getting like 15 guinea pigs and 9 of this and 6 of that and 6 of some other rodent.

And like...I had four cages available...and needed like eight at least to properly split up all the animals into smaller quantities so they wouldn't be as cramped in their temporary cages.

Yesterday I'd already played a bit of ring around the rosie and combined multiple cages of hamsters together.
Namely the Syrian hamsters as so long as you're putting multiples in cages that have multiples already within them they tend to do okay together.
But still I'm a bit leery about having like 8 hamsters in one cage....not much I can do about it though when I'm trying to make room in the back.

In any case.
I ended up combining together some Fancy Bears into one cage, some robos into another, and actually managed to have our three skinny pigs all get along well enough that they could be in one cage together. 
-As one Skinny pig is like double the size of the other two so I was worried they wouldn't get along, but they were curled up together sleeping last I saw so yay!!

But yah, I managed to empty out a further three cages in the back doing this.
Which was great because that basically gave me the cages I needed for when our new shipment of animals comes in.
Though we may have over prepared because our winter whites and russians have been shorted for like the past forever...so I may not need the cages I prepped for them, but at least it's good to be over prepared rather than under prepared. 

The notable occurrence in the store though...

Involves our Chinchillas. 

As like...yesterday I had one.
But when I came in the cage on the floor was empty.
Which was good because the invoice says that we'll be getting in two more chinchillas this week. 
However...when I went into our ISO room....there was a chinchilla...that had been returned.

Apparently he was aggressive to the customer's kids?
Which was interesting because apparently it was only the kids he was aggressive to...no other chinchillas no other adults, just the children...which makes me think that the children were doing something to antagonize the chinchillas....
Back to the point.
We had a chinchilla that was returned last night. 
And since I was cleaning out the floor cage and needed to make room in the back, we decided that once I cleaned out the floor cage I would place the chinchilla in iso back on the floor because he'd have way more space out there then in the back.

-I do wonder if the customer who returned this chinchilla bought the other chinchilla yesterday....


That meant that I would be having three chinchillas in a cage if we didn't sell this one before Thursday when the other two would be coming in.

And like we've had three in a cage before...but it's been a long while...years maybe? It's basically always been two really.

But three should be fine. 


Around lunch time we had a SECOND chinchilla returned.

This one because the customer's dog kept trying to attack it. :S Not a good environment.
So the customer brought the chinchilla back.

This one we ended up putting straight back on the floor as I hadn't yet brought the one in ISO out to it's clean cage and by putting the recent return back on the floor it saved me from having to clean a cage in the back...so yah.

But that means that we currently have TWO chinchillas in the store.

Which again, is pretty common.
I'm expecting TWO MORE on Thursday.

So If I don't sell these two I already have and do receive in the new ones....

I'm gonna have four chinchillas in the same cage. ()_()

Idk if I've ever had that many together at once. :S 
If I did it was way back in the beginning when I first started working here.
*shakes head*

I'm hoping we sell the other two before the new two come in.
But we'll see.

If I don't I hope that all four will get along....otherwise we're going to have to separate them and have some on the floor and the others off the floor until we sell the ones on the floor and that would be just a pain.

Should be interesting.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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