Thursday, December 5, 2019

Up For Adoption

Occasionally we have animals that come into the store that end up being unable to be sold under normal circumstances.
Like they're missing a limb, or have a health issue, or end up getting to their adult size and we don't have big enough cages for them. So yah...

We end up adopting out those animals to people who can give them a good home and are willing to take on a pet that isn't 'perfect.' 

So currently we have this Fancy Bear Syrian Hamster that's looking for a home.

Overall he came in fine...
But then like within the week he started acting like he had wet tail.
So we isolated him to observe him and treat him....

Only to come in one day to find he couldn't move his back legs at all.
Somehow the poor hamster had ended up partially paralyzed.
Which sucks because it happened like right over Thanksgiving so of course the vet was closed at that time. 
But we got him in as soon as we could to be looked at and see if there was anything that could be done for him to help with his back legs. 

As the little dude has been pretty chipper otherwise. Eating and drinking and building nests just fine.
He just can't use his back legs.

Bad news was that the Vet said that they had no idea what to do. But that otherwise he was fine to be adopted out.
Though they cautioned that the hamster should be adopted out to an experienced pet owner who knows how to handle hamsters. And probably to home that doesn't have kids as this hamster would be considered a special needs pet and shouldn't be overly handled.

So yah.
We have a hamster looking for a home.
Hopefully he finds one. *fingers crossed*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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