Saturday, May 23, 2020

A New Pet

So we've been struggling to keep bettas in stock because of the pandemic.
Some weeks we only get in like four.
Other weeks we get in like 10-15. 

But it's been a while since we've got in our usual 20-50 bettas at a time. 

Yet I was hoping we would get in more than four this week.
Because my sister's son had his first fish die.
And while devastated...he wanted to get a new betta for his tank.

So I was hoping that we'd have a nice selection for him and Kikay to come look at and pick from.

That wasn't the case.
We only got in 4.
And those were our $20 bettas.

Still...seeking to help out my family I sent pictures of the four to see if my nephew wanted one.

Kikay said that they wanted to wait. See if other bettas came in.
Especially the $4-$10 ones instead of our more expensive ones. 

Today towards the end of my shift.
Kikay texted asking if one of the bettas in particular was still there. Because my nephew decided that he wanted to get that one.

Luckily it was.
As the $20 bettas don't always sell as quickly as the less expensive ones.
Some people want a betta...but not that much. 

So I pulled it to the back where it wouldn't accidentally get sold.
And when Kikay and my nephew came into the store.
Grabbed the fish out for him.

He was estatic. ^^;; Got new decorations for him too lol.
And later named him Tigger. :D 

So yay that they got a new fish!! 
Though I do still wish that I had had more options for them to pick from. :( 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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