Sunday, May 3, 2020

Going Through Things

There's something...emotionally draining about going through things. Picking what will stay and what will leave.
Like for some objects it's easy. There's no emotional connection to them.
For's harder. There's memories. History. Emotions. That come with an item and it's hard to decide if the thing should stay or go.

Daddoo was doing another cleaning spree where he wanted us kids to go through all the random things in the kitchen. 

As he's going to be remodeling it soon.
And there's just a lot of...stuff....that he's not gonna be using. 

So he brought us all together to pick and choose and see if there was anything we needed or wanted.

As the rest will either get boxed up and placed in another room or else be sent to the D.I. once it reopens. 

So yah.

It was...just kinda draining...emotionally. 

More changes. *exhales*
I don't like lots of changes.
And it feels like my childhood home has changed a lot in the past year. 
To the point where it hardly feels like I'm coming home when I drop by for a visit.
It just feels like a place I'm visiting.

I don't like that feeling.

But if it makes daddoo happy...he's the one living there...he should make the place how he wants it. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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