Thursday, May 21, 2020


My Daddoo came by for a visit today.
As I'd been complaining that my muscles in my left arm were all...tense. Tingly.
And from past experience. 
If my muscles get all means that I'm tense enough that I'm cutting off circulation to my nerves, so it feels like my arm is going to fall asleep.

Not a fun feeling.
Especially when my arm is sore on top of it. *exhales*

I was talking to Daddoo about potential meds I could take to help relieve the tension in my arm to see if that would relive some of the pain.

When he suggested that he could give me a massage.
Which sounded amazing.
So after some discussion he agreed to come down and give me a massage.

Which felt so good...but was also extremely painful because ow my muscles have been tense for a while. 

And afterwards we went out to grab dinner and eat it at the park. 

Which was nice. To be out in the sunshine and fresh air.

But also nice in a different way, because while we were out there, Daddoo told me about a world he's been working on creating.
Originally it's for a DnD sort of concept. 
But really it would make it's own intriguing fantasy series. Kinda like the Dragonriders of Pern...but completely different. lol. 
As he was telling me the history. Like prequel stuff to the main adventure he wants to set up.
How the world came to be. How the first people came to inhabit it. What it was like traveling through space. Some of the personal views and religions and creations and it was awesome. 

It was inspiring. Just to see the way he lit up talking about this idea of his. How he's taking inspiration from animals that existed in the past. And the ideas and people he's already come up with and created. 

It's cool.
Lol. So cool. Just to see how creativity runs in our family. ^^;;

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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