Friday, May 1, 2020

When Did This Happen?

So....I apparently lost the tailpipe on my car.

But not like...I lost it lost it. I still have it surprisingly enough.
I just didn't realize it had...fallen off.

I knew that the pipe was getting rather rusty as there had been broken pieces off the end of it that I could see the last time I noticed my tailpipe....

But I honestly don't know when that last time was....
Not recently if I didn't realize it was gone until yesterday.

And the only reason why I discovered it was missing.....and where the part had ended up....

Was because I finally chose to move my 72 hour kit out of my car and put it back in the house.
As I had placed it in my car after the earthquake that had happened...and left it there.
But with the weather getting much warmer's not good to leave that in my car.
So I took the opportunity to do so...and as I was pulling the kit out of the back of my car.
I noticed this random metal pipe sitting in the back as well.

I was like O.o??? What is this random thing?
Pulled it out to get a closer look.
And realized.
Oh hey.
This is my tail pipe!

A closer look at the bottom of my car confirmed that indeed the tailpipe that was supposed to be there was nowhere to be found. 

So this random metal pipe with it's rusted edges....was more than likely my tailpipe.

But the question was.


Because like....I had no idea it was missing. I don't recall anyone telling me it was missing. 
And like...I keep my car locked practically at all times!

Especially the back door. That thing only got unlocked when I placed my 72 hour kit in it and that was like back in March? So like....I was pretty sure I still had a tailpipe back then....

And since then there's only been like two or three times when the side doors were potentially left unlocked (because I was driving others around and my car needs to be manually un/locked.) 

So WHEN did the tailpipe end up in the back of my car?
HOW did it get there?
WHY did no one tell me?

Like I haven't been to the repair shop recently...and I would hope if my tailpipe fell off they would tell me....

So was it a roommate? Was it some random stranger who found my tailpipe on the ground and just found one of the doors unlocked and tossed it in the back of my car??

I don't know.
I don't get it.
I'm so confused.

Where did you come from metal pipe?! When did you break off?! Gah.

*shakes head*
Now I get the fun task of discovering if I actually need that on my car for it to pass inspection...because of course my registration is coming due like....we'll see how this will go. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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