Tuesday, May 19, 2020


It was one of those mornings where we literally had a dozen people walk into the store right as I opened the doors for the day.
*shakes head*
Not sure why everyone decided they needed to come in this morning. Like it's a Tuesday after all. Tuesdays don't get busy. 
....Maybe they forgot what day it was. 

In any case.
Among those customers was an old man.

I had noticed him earlier.
As he'd been standing at the doors staring inside for a good fifteen minutes before we opened. It was rather intense. How he wasn't moving at all. Just standing there. Glaring. 

I asked a manager over the radio if anyone had talked to him at all.
And one manager was like "Oh he's waiting for his wife in grooming." 
Which...okay...but like outside of the building?
It made sense in a way as the dude was of the age range where he really shouldn't have been out and about without a mask on and yet there he was out and about without a mask on.

But a minute or so later the manager was like "Oh one of the groomers said he's here to pick up an order."

Which...since we weren't open yet...it was rather early for him to already be here waiting to pick up an order.
But I went to the door with our tablet to see what his name was so I could go grab his order for him.

He wasn't here for an online pick up (honestly I do wonder if he would even know how to do online ordering...) 

He said that he had called ahead to see if we had any wraps and had rushed right over to the store when he heard that we had them.

Like...okay....though I was kinda skeptical about the calling part.
But I knew we carried wraps.
So I was like "The bandages right?" 
Which he confirmed that yes he was here for that.

So I sent him to aisle ten where the medical wraps are as that's where we keep them.
Because I thought he was talking about the bandage wraps that we sell to wrap around injuries and the like that animals might have sustained. 

But when I went to check on him.
He told me that that wasn't what he wanted.

Which was probably a good thing as we were out of stock.
He kept saying that it wasn't the right thing. That it came in bigger packages and such and that he'd bought it before.

He started getting testy with me.
Stating that he had been waiting in the parking lot for an hour and had called the store between 8&830 (which if we open at 9 and you rushed right after after calling us means that you couldn't have called the store an hour ago) and we said we had it.

So I double checked over the radio to see if anyone had taken any phone calls. 
My managers were like ???? The phone didn't ring at all until we opened. 

But when I told the customer that and asked if he had called our competitor instead (because that does happen. People call the competition and then come to us because they don't realize they called the wrong store) 
But he was insistent that despite me telling him that no one answered a phone before we opened, that he had called us and only us and that we had the product in stock and what was I going to do about it because it had to be here. 

Pretty sure he either a) called the wrong store and didn't want to admit it or b) was lying through his teeth --dunno why he'd need to do that either--but his claims were outlandish enough that I do wonder if he was just trying to make a scene to get help *shakes head* Like dude. If I tell you I don't have something I literally don't have something. *exhales*

In any case.
When I tried to clarify he was insistent that it was a 'wrap' and I was like "like the bandages? or something else?" to which he was like "the bandages!" 

But nope.
A little bit later he was like "The thing you wrap around the boy dog to keep him from peeing." 

Oh. He meant like the disposable male wrap diaper things that we sell. 
Which I knew exactly where those were.

*rolls eyes* Old man was rather condescending about it though when I showed him where those were. "Yes! Exactly that!" blah blah blah.
Like dude. It's your fault that you don't know how to articulate your words to make yourself clearer.

If people ask for "wraps" they usually mean the medical dog bandages. 
If they need male or female diapers they usually refer to them as the diapers. 


But thankfully we had it in the size he needed.
But his difficulties didn't end there.
No when he went to the register he asked if we could pricematch the diapers.
To which the cashier was like "Yes if you show us the price we can match it to our online store." 

Nope. He didn't have the pricematch on him. He was like "They just call it in and do it for me!" 

....Dude are you sure you've been to our store before? Cus like we don't do that. Pretty sure you're making things up again. 

I don't know if my cashier pricematched it at all.

But I think we were both relieved to have him leave the store though.
It was far too much antagonism for so early in the morning. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi  

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