Thursday, May 7, 2020


It's well known that working in retail that you're gonna get sick.
After all, you're faced with hundreds of people.
And not all of them are in perfect health when they come visit public places.

So kinda expect that you're gonna catch something. 
Though after a while working in the retail kinda become immune to things? Like you don't get sick as much because your immune system gets stronger??

Yah..something like that.


It feels different now.
With the virus and such.

Like hearing someone sneeze, cough, clear their throat.
You they have the virus?
Are you gonna get sick? Are you gonna get it?


It's frustrating. 

And today it felt moreso that way.

As I had one customer who kept doing that single clear your throat sort of cough.
Without doing anything to cover their mouth. 
And then kept trying to approach to close to me.
Like dude.
Stick to the six feet rule and cover your freaking mouth. 

Then I had an older couple come in.
Old enough where I was like O_o why in the world are you OUTSIDE?! Go back into your homes where you're SAFE!

Like they had masks on and such.
But the wife was in a wheelchair and coughing up a storm.
Like literally coughing for ten minutes straight without stopping.

Apparently it was asthma related? At least that's what the husband said.

But at the same time.
I just watched the lady pull her mask down and cough directly into her hand. 

:S :S :S

You may say it's not the virus. That it's just asthma.
But like.
It might not be.
And you were just coughing for ten minutes straight. 
Into your hand.

It's stressful being in that sort of situation.

Like under normal circumstances I would have offered to get some water. Or something.
But like...our drinking fountains are closed to the public.
And I doubt the woman could have taken a drink from coughing.
I just...

It's hard.
So hard to be working right now. Being out in public.
Watching as people either take this seriously...but also watching them take it not seriously. Trying to act like nothing is wrong that life is normal.

It's stressful. 
I'm so tired of it.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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