Friday, May 8, 2020

An Overreaction

It's frustrating really.
Because fourth roomie has been...less irritating than normal recently.
Probably due to being stuck at home constantly due to the virus and finally being free of homework due to graduating...she's been...basically tolerable for the past little bit. Not causing unnecessary drama or getting as deeply on our nerves. 

I suppose it was just a phase really.
As she's going back into irritating all of us. 
Because despite being the oldest of us, there are times where she acts worse than a cranky two-year-old.

Where she automatically just assumes the worst of us roommates.
Even though we haven't actively done anything...bad to her. 

Like, I'm pretty sure our worse crime (which is a high crime in her book apparently) has been not doing the dishes as quickly as she wants or keeping the kitchen crumb free.

But like. We're doing what we can.
It's not like we want to cause drama with her.

But I am getting seriously sick and tired of having to tip toe around her.
Because like...we never know what's going to set her off.

Like she throws a fit over the stupidest things.

And again, assumes that we're 'out to get her' and 'make her life miserable.'

Like Gurl. We've had to put up with your bologna for nearly two years.
If we were 'out to get you' then it would have been more obvious and probably would have happened sooner.

And like I said.
It's over the stupidest things.

A couple of nights ago, I came upstairs and noticed that the storm door was swinging in the slight wind storm we were having as whoever last opened it hadn't shut it properly.
So I opened the main door to shut the storm door so that it wouldn't bang against the house.
And then properly locked up the main door.
After all it was dark. It was late. And we like to keep our doors locked. Especially at night.

I had no idea roomie had gone outside for a walk.
She hadn't told any of the rest of us what she was doing.
And the note that I found by the door that was on the ground...that said to leave the door unlocked...I assumed was from the night before. As she had gone outside the night before at like midnight for a walk from what my other roomie told me.
So I figured the note was just from that.

Nope. Apparently it was for the night of the wind storm.
But instead of texting us roomies to tell us she was locked out of the house. (Which why she didn't try one of the other doors first, or you know...text us? Is beyond me.) 
She instead tried to open the keypad lock a thousand times and rang the doorbell.
And when the other two roomies finally reached the door to let her in.
She just stormed by them in an angry huff and slammed the door to her bedroom hard enough that one of my roomies was worried she could have cracked the door.
I certainly felt/heard the door slam from the basement.

Like temper much?
She just like assumed we'd locked her out on purpose.
Not true.
We had no idea she was out.
And like I'd mentioned earlier, the note on the door had fallen to the ground so I didn't think it was for that night.

I just...why assume that we're out to get her?
Like yes we are very much ready for her to be gone as soon as her contract is over.
But we're not mean like that. 

And then today.
Ash and I had been out with friends, celebrating Kikay's birthday in a social distancing way.
And had just gotten home.
And were distracted by some packages that we'd received in the mail.
When roomie comes out to talk to us and tell us how she went to get tested for the virus (as my area was doing free tests and were encouraging people to come get tested even if they don't have any symptoms which roomie does not have symptoms.) and how she was interviewed by the local news and such.

Which was very cool, and we were just getting to the point of getting our attention off the packages at the door and to her when she says something like "Or if you don't want to listen" and before we could look at her she vanishes back into her room and slams the door again.

Leaving Ash and I staring at each other in total confusion.
Because like. We were going to listen to her and interact. We just were slightly distracted.
And it's just irritating.
Why assume that we don't want to listen.
Why not read the room and realize. Oh hey they're distracted let me give them a second to finish their task and then continue to talk?
No she just assumed we didn't want to talk and vanished before we could tell her otherwise.

It's irritating.
I'm irritated at her.
Because again.
We'd been getting along much better recently. 
Like it wasn't perfect, but it was more tolerable.

And now it feels like we're backsliding again and it's all because roomie is just assuming that we're against her. 

So very irritating.
I don't need this stress in my life and don't want to have to worry about hurting her feelings over some imaginary slight. 

I will be happy when she's finally gone. 
Because I don't want to deal with this sort of drama. I don't have the energy for it. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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