Saturday, May 2, 2020

Slow Day

It feels like it's been forever since I've felt was taking an eternity to pass by. 
But gah.
Today it felt like my shift took an eternity to complete.

Each hour felt like three hours.

And that was rather surprising for a Saturday shift. 
As it should be busy enough that time should move pretty quickly.

Of course.
It was a closing shift.
And I was scheduled the dreaded 8 hours of customer service that I had to spend like every saturday for a year or so doing.

So perhaps the subconscious dread of having to work that closing shift....made the day crawl by?
No idea.

Perhaps it was the fact that this Saturday was less busy than I was expecting it to be. 

I mean, it's the first Saturday in my state where we're allowed a 'slow opening' where some businesses can open again. 
So I was almost expecting the store to be crowded with people.

And it was surprisingly....not.
Like we did have our moments of being busy.
But it didn't feel like a Saturday.

And perhaps that's why the day dragged by.
I wasn't constantly helping customers.

Normally on other days I have tasks I need to be doing. Stuff to keep me busy.
But Saturdays?
Saturday afternoons?
Not so much. 

It's customer oriented. 

But with no customers.
It was basically me searching for things to do.

And yet....
Time dragged by.

It only seemed to speed up when we finally closed down my department for the night and I could go about doing the closing tasks. The last two hours of my shift went by alot quicker than the first 6. 

But yah.
Today was torture.
I hope it doesn't happen again any time soon.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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