Saturday, May 9, 2020

Casual Talk

I'm an introvert by nature.

I love my alone time.
Not having to interact with people.
Just being home, doing my own thing. 

It's amazing. And I love it when I can get it.

Though with the virus and the stay at home and work from home things....

Alone time is hard to get.

Which it hasn't grated on me much recently. 
The fact that my roomies are always home.
Probably because I've mentally come to accept that I have to get my alone time in other ways. Take the pieces of it that I can get.

But there's something else I've been missing.

And that's casual interaction with others.

Like talking to people to just...well shoot the breeze. Chat, Converse. Have fun.

I can do that a bit with the roomies, sure.

But it's not the same as chatting with your friends.
Or with your family.

And definitely not the same as having to talk to people at work.
Where you spend the entire time trying to figure out what people want from you and want you to do.

No just....casual interactions where you can talk about everything and nothing and there's hidden agenda. 

It's nice when I can get that.

And I got that yesterday.
When me and a couple others met up to celebrate Kikay's birthday.

Where we met up at a fast food place, piled into one car, went through the drive thru and then went on a drive down to the nearby park to eat our lunch there. 

And chatted.
About everything and nothing.

Ah the conversation that was just...relaxing.
Conversation that didn't revolve around work or the virus or like the other topics that seem to make up 90% of my conversations on other days.

It was the best.

I can't wait to be able to do such casual conversations again. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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