Thursday, May 14, 2020

New Fish

I ended up going on a mini adventure this morning.
As I received a text from one of my managers stating that one of my old coworkers was looking for someone to take in her betta fish and was wondering if I would be interested. in taking them in. Today. Basically right then.

The reason why my old coworker needed someone to take her fish ASAP.
Was that she was moving out of state with her family.
But as they were loading up their stuff....realized that the didn't have enough room to take their fish.

And they were literally leaving within the hour to drive to their new place. 

So I ended up rolling out of bed and quickly getting dressed so that I could drive out to my work and meet with my old coworker there to take her two bettas.
A female and a male.
Both in their own little tanks. 

And I have to say both fish are HUGE.
Like Mother Dearest could always get her bettas to grow giant.
Mine? Never got so big. 
Maybe I don't feed mine as much?

But yah even the female is as big as the males and I'm just like O_o because I've always seen the girl bettas be so tiny. 


In any case.
I managed to get both tanks of fish home.
Though since the tanks were still mostly filled with water there was a bit of sloshing and my seats got wet.

Note to self. 
If I move fish again.
Put them on the FLOOR of my car.

Thankfully it was sunny today so I just left my car out in the sun with the windows cracked to dry the seats after dabbing up as much of the water as I could.

And then spent a couple of hours cleaning out the tanks and giving everyone some fresh water and rearranging/taking down a couple of my other small tanks that were well...basically empty anyways. 
Plus I needed to fit the new tanks in with my other bettas and make it feel good and look good... 

But yah!
Yay new fish!!
Hopefully they enjoy their new home. ^^;; 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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