Saturday, May 30, 2020

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

It's been forever since I've worked an early early morning shift.

I mean I haven't worked an 'early' shift really for like the past two months just due to lack of hours and staff in the store to be able to cover the entire day unless we came in later. 

But for the next couple of days I get the 'fun' shift that starts in at 4am.

Which is waaaay earlier than I've been getting up in the recent past lol.

And as I night owl...who likes to stay up until midnight or so (or later)....
Having to get up around 330am to get to my 4 am shift....doesn't sound fun at all despite me knowing that I can function off of three hours of sleep.

However, knowing that I will need to interact with family after my shift ends tomorrow.
I'm trying the 'unconventional' thing and going to bed way earlier than I usually do.
Honestly if i were trying for like 7 hours of sleep I probably should have been in bed an hour ago.
But it's hard to sleep if the sun is still up.
So yah. Trying to go to bed at 9pm so I can wake up at 330 and be able to function for the rest of the day tomorrow. 

It's gonna be interesting.
We'll see how much I succeed....
Which probably depends on if I get woken up by roomies moving around....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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